Residential and Commercial / Nationwide Service...Appreciate the 25+ Years of Referrals...Good People - Doing Good Things - One Property At A Time...Domains: Estates By The Beach / Vineyards...Estates In The Mountains / Inland / Desert (New website coming one day soon) “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined.” Andrew Carnegie
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
2015 U.S. Housing Market Predictions Made by CoreLogic
Overall, the economy finally appears to be gaining enough momentum to help provide the support that the housing market has needed for stronger recovery.
The combination of stronger employment growth and especially Millennial job growth makes for solid footing for the real estate market.
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #2015HousingPredictions
Monday, December 22, 2014
The 2014 tax breaks you can take
The majority of tax breaks in the bill pertain to businesses but a handful will affect individuals. To be honest, I cannot believe that two of these are deductible again.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/GiccU
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #2014TaxBreaks
Thursday, December 18, 2014
21 Hot Housing Trends for 2015
Everyone wants to be hip, and the latest trends in design can help distinguish one home from another. And it’s not all flash; many new home fads are geared to pare maintenance and energy use and deliver information faster.
Here’s a look at what’s coming.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/G96qj
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HousingTrends
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Freddie Mac Predicts Biggest Year for Home Sales Since ’07
Freddie Mac predicted that 2015 will see the highest level of home sales in the U.S. since 2007 in its December 2014 U.S. Economic and Housing Market Outlook released on Tuesday.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/G5fnj
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #2015HomeSales
Monday, December 15, 2014
New York Times: Homeownership is Best Way To Build Wealth
Renting can make sense as a lifestyle choice or because of income constraints. As a means to building wealth, however, there is no practical substitute for homeownership.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FW7aS
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BuildWealth
Saturday, December 13, 2014
The 10 Most Stunning Celebrity Homes of 2014
If you’d like to pretend you’re one of these celebrities—for a few moments, at least—check out our top 10 selections (in no particular order).
If you’d like to learn more about any of the homes, simply click on the image for the full article and slideshow.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FQcWf
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #CelebrityHomes
Friday, December 12, 2014
Here’s what’s happening this weekend 12/12-12/14 in Orange County:
A bunch of links all in one-spot, read more:
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WhatsHappening
Thursday, December 11, 2014
7 Important Life Lessons Everyone Learns the Hard Way
Be a student of life. Indulge in it and absorb all the knowledge you can, while you can. You may have to loose some things to gain some things, and you may have to learn some things the hard way.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FLn1o
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LifeLessons
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Breaking News: Fannie and Freddie formally announce 3% Down Programs
THIS IS HUGE: Just an appraisal to get rid of mortgage insurance, unlike FHA that requires you to refinance into a Conventional Loan at what rate?
These new guidelines will enable creditworthy borrowers who can afford a mortgage, but lack the resources to pay a substantial down payment.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FCwYr
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #3%DownPayment
Monday, December 8, 2014
HAMP Borrowers Can Earn Extra $5K Reward
Borrowers stand to get $10,000 in incentives for on-time payments, which all goes toward reducing their principal balance.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FzKTM
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HAMPLoans
Friday, December 5, 2014
U.S. Mortgage Rates Fall to 18-Month Low With 30-Year at 3.89%
“It improves affordability and provides a greater incentive for people on the sidelines, waiting for rates to fall.”
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FrkNy
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #OurRatesREvenLower
Thursday, December 4, 2014
25 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein
I like # 12 - Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted. And you?
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FnD1f
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LifeLessons
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
The Start-to-Finish Guide to Buying a Home
Purchasing a home is a major milestone that tops many people's lifetime to-do lists—and maybe their list of financial fears too. But it certainly doesn't have to be a scary or stressful experience.
With time, care, and research, you can take control of the home-buying process.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FkoAY
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #GuideToBuyingAHome
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Doxxing defense: Remove your personal info from data brokers
Don't want your home address or other personal info published to the world? This weekend, take an hour or two to make yourself a less visible target.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/Ffomu
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HowToRemovePersonalInfoOnline
Monday, December 1, 2014
Should I Sell My Home Now or Wait Until the Spring?
Many homeowners believe selling a home during the fall or winter months is not a good idea and that the spring is the only time a house should be sold.
This is the furthest from the truth.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/FbfCa
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WhyWait
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
18 Rules Of Living By The Dalai Lama
Which one do you like?
I like # 18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/ETqNq
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RulesOfLiving
Monday, November 24, 2014
Don’t Miss These Home Tax Deductions
From mortgage interest to property tax deductions, here are the tax tips you need to get a jump on your returns.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/EOsZx
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeTaxDeductions
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Spread the Word: Mortgage Rates Below 4%
Fixed-rate mortgages fell back near yearly lows again this week, lowering borrowing costs for home buyers and refinancers'.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/ELkad
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #MortgageRates
Saturday, November 22, 2014
9 Kitchen Trends That Can’t Go Wrong
Remodeling your kitchen is a huge commitment.
Make sure you’re getting the best return by making choices that’ll last. Here are 9 trends with staying power.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/EIY94
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #KitchenTrends
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Graco Recalls 11 Models of Strollers Due to Fingertip Amputation Hazard
The folding hinge on the sides of the stroller can pinch a child’s finger, posing a laceration or amputation hazard.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/ECVSg
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #AmputationHazard
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Mark Twain’s Top 9 Tips For Living A Kick-Ass Life
Twain is known for his many – and often funny – quotes.
Here are a few of my favorite tips from him.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/EyOC9
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #KickAssLife
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
10 things real estate appraisers won’t tell you
But appraisers say that new rules have made the process slower and more complicated for consumers—and that they haven’t stopped some appraisers from yielding to pressure from banks.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/Evug1
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #AppraisersWontTellYou
Friday, November 14, 2014
House Cleaning Hacks Of The 21st Century
In our very busy day to day life, who has time to clean? It’s better to clean smarter rather than harder! Also, less time cleaning means more time relaxing and doing activities that you enjoy!
Below is a list of ways that will help you achieve this goal:
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/EiLaH
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #CleaningHacks
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
When It Comes to Home Buying, Location Is King
Some neighborhoods change over time, of course, and most improve rather than getting worse. So as you set out to buy a home, should you look for the best home on the worst block?
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/EaD1P
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeBuying
E-mail us your questions: michael@estatesbythebeach.com
Monday, November 10, 2014
39 Life Lessons I've Learned In 39 Years
Today is my 40th birthday as I revisit this list that I wrote one year ago. I'm updating with a 40th lesson. Enjoy.
Especially liked this Quote: "The boy with no shoes cried until he met the boy with no feet."
WORTH READING: http://ow.ly/E4F5C
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Gratitude
Friday, November 7, 2014
What to Know as You Try to Lock in a Low Mortgage Rate
Here's a rate reference guide to help you navigate this market and obtain the best terms on your financing.
Once you're ready to buy or refinance, you'll want to lock in your rate, which ensures the rate for a set number of days.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/DYIxe
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LowMortgageRate
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
10 Reasons Why Your Home Isn't Selling
If your home sale seems to be going at a snail's pace, it might be time to look at what you might be doing wrong.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/DOMnL
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeSales
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Fed's End to Quantitative Easing Will Affect How You Invest and Buy a House
“The low interest rates will come to an end,” he said. “Consumers should pay down debt while the rates are low rather than contend with it once rates move up.”
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/DAuAd
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RisingInterestRates
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/DAuAd
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RisingInterestRates
Monday, October 27, 2014
7 Credit Myths You Thought Could Hurt Your Score, but Don't
The Internet is brimming with tales of how your complete lack of knowledge surrounding credit scores is costing you big every day.
The following are common misconceptions about credit that you'll be happy to know aren't true at all.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/DqF5t
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #CreditMyths
What are the differences among a Real Estate Agent, a Broker and a Realtor?
There are differences between the three titles, however, the most important being the services each real estate professional offers to those in need of real estate services.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/Dq49q
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RealEstateProfessional
Saturday, October 25, 2014
12 Universal Truths That Will Change Your Life for the Better
These universal truths apply to you no matter where you are in life or what mistakes you've made in the past. So read them, apply them, and watch the magic happen in your life.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/DkByh
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #ChangeYourLife
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Why You Should Always Talk to Future Neighbors When Buying a Home
If you're buying, neighbors can be great sources about:
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/D81bT
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WontYouBeMyNeighbor
Monday, October 20, 2014
Market turmoil: A gift for mortgage refinancers?
Financial market turmoil creates a tempting opportunity for mortgage refinancers.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/D38Yq
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RatesAreHowLowAgain
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Natural Flu Remedies: 7 Powerful Herbs to Help Get You Through Flu Season
Here are 7 powerful and inexpensive natural flu remedies to start building up your defenses to avoid repeated illness during these colder months.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/CSdCJ
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #ColdAndFluSeason
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
9 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home
Let’s be completely honest. Nobody REALLY likes spiders.
Even if they are completely harmless little things, nobody really wants spiders hanging around inside their house. But, how do you repel them naturally without hurting them, and without exposing your family to any potentially harmful chemicals?
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/CPx9v
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #SpidersOutNaturally
Owning a Home Is Cheaper Than Renting
In most places in the U.S., owning a home has gotten even cheaper than renting one.
Lower mortgage rates and higher rent prices make owning cheaper than renting over a 7-year period.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/COM5z
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #CheaperThanRenting
Monday, October 13, 2014
Why Does Negative Info Stay on Credit Reports for 7 Years?
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, most negative information can be reported on credit reports for seven years.
Why seven? Why not five, or 10 or some other amount of time?
READ WHY: http://ow.ly/CGupY
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #NegativeCredit
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Mortgage Rates Continue Downward Slide
Average U.S. mortgage rates fell for the third straight week, making it more affordable to borrow to buy a home.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/CwgVn
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LowRates
Call or text your RE / Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
This Mortgage Cost Is No Longer Necessary
Then the IRS changed the rules, and disallowed the mortgage insurance premium deduction for taxable years after Dec. 31, 2013.
If you can’t avoid mortgage insurance, depending on your financial situation, ask your lender what other adjustments can be made to reduce your mortgage costs.
MORE: http://ow.ly/CsltO
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #MortgageInsurance
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Twelve Things Happy People Do Differently
“I’d always believed that a life of quality, enjoyment, and wisdom were my human birthright and would be automatically bestowed upon me as time passed. I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live – that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, happy, uncomplicated life.” -Dan Millman
MORE: http://ow.ly/CocaF
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HappyPeople
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Home Insurance Loopholes Can Leave You Howling on Halloween
Note: Not all insurance policies are created equal! The following guidelines are standard, but there are exceptions. It's important to get to know your insurance policy before you have to file a claim.
Here are three possible Halloween problems, and the skinny on what is and isn't covered by a typical policy.
INTERESTING READ: http://ow.ly/C7T5j
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeInsuranceLoopholes
Monday, September 29, 2014
Water rationing hits California: limit of 50 gallons per person per day or face fines of $500
Keep in mind that these are only "stage one" emergency regulations. Stages two and three have yet to be invoked and will only become more severe.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/C4IiX
#EstatesbyTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WaterFines
Friday, September 26, 2014
The Smart Way to Make an Offer on a Home
Following these steps for making an offer will ensure you are making an informed decision and place yourself in a great negotiating position.
Once you are in your new home, you should have the peace of mind that you did your due diligence.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/C0Ee1
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #SmartOffer
Thursday, September 25, 2014
7 Secrets to Having a Life We Love
I used to believe that one day there would be this point in life where you know you found yourself, but actually, as I had to find out, it is a process and never stops.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/BWOvG
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LifeWeLove
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
What Do Organic, Natural, Cage-free and Grass-Fed Food Labels Really Mean?
What do all of these health claims really mean?
Is there even a difference between them?
The answer is yes, but you may be surprised to find out what they actually mean.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/BPhWD
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #FoodMatters
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Best Advice I Ever Got: Focus on People, Not Problems
No matter what you do in life, a third of the people you come in contact with will love you, a third will dislike you, and the rest will be indifferent.
Remember: The world is not a meritocracy. Stop whining about the bumps, and keep charging down the road.
WORTH THE READ: http://ow.ly/BC8oQ
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BestAdvice
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
18 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be
The only difference is we’re older, and the older we get, the harder we make things for ourselves. We liked people who smiled. We avoided people who frowned.
“Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.”―Oscar Wilde
WORTH THE READ: http://ow.ly/BA0o6
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #MyBirthdayReadThis
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Easy savings for first-time home-buyers starting this October
If you're ready to buy a home, find out how you could save money on your mortgage through a new government program.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/Buixk
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeBuyer
Friday, September 12, 2014
40 Inspiring Motivational Quotes About Gratitude
Sometimes, a totally different perspective can be found in a few simple words of wisdom.
"In life, one has a choice to take one of two paths: to wait for some special day--or to celebrate each special day." Rasheed Ogunlaru
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/BrKZ7
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #FeelingGratitude
Thursday, September 11, 2014
11 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Home
Whether you’re buying your first home or you’re a seasoned owner, answer these questions for the knowledge and confidence to find home sweet home.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/BoBGK
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BuyingAHome
Call / Text Your RE or Loan Questions @ 714.713.3534
Friday, August 29, 2014
You Already Know What Makes You Happy, So Go Do It Already
Imagine that your brain is like a computer running programs—if the programs are sloppy, the performance is sloppy.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/ASoiD
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #GoDoIt
From all of us at E.B.T.B, be safe and have an enjoyable holiday!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
5 Spiritual Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog
A dog, and most other pets as well, retain that godliness that many human beings are born with but often lose over time.
And if you don’t have one, try hugging your friends, your children or your partner a little bit more! Here are just 5 of them.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AKVzW
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BornWithButLose
Monday, August 25, 2014
8 Things You Should Never Do to Your Home
Without question, I see this all the time.
6. Don’t remodel too much - You might have so much money that you just need to get rid of it, and if so, we know a few charities that do some good work. However, you need to keep your remodeling within the general costs of your neighborhood. You’ve got to keep the money you put into your home realistic compared to the average price of houses that are similarly sized in your immediate area. Otherwise, it is extremely difficult to get the return on your investment.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AH10I
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #NotSoSmart
Saturday, August 23, 2014
18 Fantastic Ways To Let Go
“If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will discover complete peace.” ~ Ajahn Chah
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AEbCN
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LetItGo
Friday, August 22, 2014
Mortgage Rates Hit 2014 Low
It's not just how much you save monthly, but how much you can now save over the life of the loan.
Really low rates are making buying a home affordable again.
You can buy a home with as little as a 1/2% down with only a 640 middle score.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/ACoMw
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansInAll50States #RatesAreHowLow
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Oh, Happy Day!: 13 Ways To Make Every Day Your Happiest Day
It starts with a positive thought that steadily grows to a natural disposition.
Revel in the simple fact that you’re alive and the whole world is at your fingertips, if you choose to reach for it.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AzYOI
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #DontWorryBeHappy
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Fed Minutes: It'll Soon Be Time to Start Raising Interest Rates
We are back towards historic lows, one who hesitates will lose!
In its policy statement released after the discussions, the Fed acknowledged that growth was strengthening. But it indicated that it needed to see further improvement in the job market before it starts raising its key short-term rate.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AybIt
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RatesNearHistoricLows
Monday, August 18, 2014
101 Inspirational Quotes From Super Successful People
But one thing many of the world's most successful people have in common is their ability to inspire others.
Here are 101 inspirational quotes from highly successful people.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/ArTyK
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Successful
Sunday, August 17, 2014
5 ridiculous reasons why your mortgage can get rejected
We're here to help with the education and planning part.
So, if you're applying for a home loan, read on for some unexpected issues that could derail your home-buying experience and how to avoid them.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/ApAAB
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeLoanTips
Friday, August 15, 2014
30 Things To Do Before You Die
These seemingly simple acts have transformed my life.
What it comes down to is not how long your life is, but how wide you live it.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AmrGd
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BeforeYouDie
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
House Punting: The Cost of Waiting to Buy in Hot Markets
The one-year waiting costs ranged from a minor $65 a month in St. Louis to a major $710 a month in San Jose, California.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AhSPQ
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WaitingToBuy
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014
It's called home-affordability, everyone should be thankful that interest rates have dropped back to near historic lows.
With that being said, one who hesitates loses~
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeAffordability
Call / Text Your RE or Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
With that being said, one who hesitates loses~
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeAffordability
Call / Text Your RE or Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Monday, August 11, 2014
Four reasons to buy a home now
Thinking of buying a home?
Keep reading to find out why you should take action sooner rather than later.
"On a $300,000 house today, the same house will cost you $318,000 in one year," says VanDyke..
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/AcLWI
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WhyBuyAHomeNow
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
When Buying a House Always Keep These 4 Things in Mind
"If you buy it for more than you can afford, you'll end up hating the house and yourself in the long run.
"Even if you're pre-approved for a loan, make sure you give yourself enough time for the extensive documentation."
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/A2NWq
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WhenBuyingAHouse
Call /Text RE & Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Don’t Worry, Be Happy: It’s Now Proven That Being Optimistic Makes You More Successful
Life is about finding balance; it’s about being realistically optimistic and seizing the opportunities that come our way, no matter how large or small..
-They adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/A1yuA
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Success
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Cell Phones, Bras, and Breast Cancer Risk
Why would you put the Mobile Phone where it might cause cancer? Save The Ta-Ta's!
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/A0hiV
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BreastCancer
Can You Still Get a Good Deal on a Home?
The seesawing housing market continues to defy economists and expectations.
Here’s a look at three big reasons why. READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zYOym
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HousingMarket
Call /Text your RE or Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Monday, August 4, 2014
5 Surprising Missteps That Sabotage Mortgage-Seekers
Here are the five most common credit mistakes that could throw a wrench in your mortgage process.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zX7Ia
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #CreditMistakes
Call / Text RE or Loan ?'s @ 714.713.3534
17 Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Be Happy
Achieving true happiness isn’t a one-step process. It’s an alteration of a current lifestyle; it’s trimming the fat and removing what is bringing negativity in your life. It’s realizing the difference between what should remain in yours and what shouldn’t.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zVEam
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #TrueHappiness
Sunday, August 3, 2014
How to Cut Energy Costs in the Heat of Summer
Here are 5 helpful ways to cut down on pesky energy costs this Summer.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zTXg2
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #EnergyCost
Call / Text your RE or Loan ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Smart sources for your home's down payment
Don't let your lack of funds for a down payment stop you from buying a home.
You can "Buy A Home For As Little As 1/2 Down" and the Seller or Lender can Pay your Closing Cost.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zSnE2
#EstatesByTheBeach, #FundingLoansAll50States #1/2%Down
Call / Text RE or Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Five Attitudes That ACTUALLY Change Your Life
My life changed when I took myself out of my head and into my life. I’m the happiest, healthiest and most authentic I’ve ever been. Here’s how I got there:
I like #1: Practice small actions, every day. If you want big results, you need to stop discounting small action. Small action triggers big change.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zNPfd
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Attitude
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Do little fixes boost home sales?
To make more money, homeowners have to spend money.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zMdYq
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeImprovements
Call / Text RE or Loan ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Nine Reasons to Love Your Mortgage
As usual, a majority of buyers took out a mortgage.
The hefty loan involved fundamentally alters the finances of these families -- and opens up some intriguing opportunities.
READ MORE:http://ow.ly/zJnof
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #MortgageLoans
Call / Text RE or Loan ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Health Facts on Honey and Cinnamon
Scientists of today also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases.
Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zIkNy
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HealthFacts
Monday, July 28, 2014
Hey, Procrastinator. You Lost $11,500 by Not Refinancing
About one in five people who could have benefited by refinancing their mortgage after the financial crisis didn’t do it.
The median amount of money they lost by sticking with their old mortgage was $11,500.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zGzRB
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #MortgageRates
Call / Text your ?'s @ 714.713.3534
21 Health Tricks To Teach Your Body
Whether it’s curing a throat tickle, resolving your headache in minutes or experiencing supersonic hearing, these 21 tricks are proven methods of fooling your body to achieve a desired result, whether that’s relieving pain or just having fun.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zFRam
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HealthTricks
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
7 signs of a soon-to-be-hot neighborhood
Here are the top telltale signs of a soon-to-be hot market.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zwpqr
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HyperlocalNeighborhood
Call / Text RE or Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
How to Rise Above Difficult Circumstances and Be Happy
I like "Choose to Choose"
We can choose to succumb or make the best of what happens.
It may sometimes feel easier to be a victim, but it’s certainly not a role that leads to a fulfilling, satisfying, and meaningful life.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zsKR3
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RiseAbove
Monday, July 21, 2014
7 Life Lessons Happy People Have Already Figured Out
The thing all happy people have in common is the ability to look at life situations as growing opportunities.
If you want to be happier, you can learn these seven life lessons extraordinarily happy people already figured out.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zqBI3
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BeHappy
5 reasons to buy a house in the next 5 months
Numerous factors make homebuying advantageous for the rest of this year.
"The good news is there's still plenty of runway if you want to buy a house this year."
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zpEOd
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Homebuying
Call / Text your ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Saturday, July 19, 2014
8 Reasons Not To Sell Your Home Without An Agent
Here are eight reasons why you should think again.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zlyyM
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RealEstate
Call / Text RE or Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Friday, July 18, 2014
27 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Eckhart Tolle
I like # 21. Seeking is the antithesis of happiness.
“Don’t Seek Happiness. If you seek it, you won’t find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness.”
“Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not.”
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zkci0
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LifeChangingLessons
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Paulson: Buying a house still best investment
"And you've locked in the cost over the next 30 years. And today the cost of owning is somewhat less than the cost of renting. And if you rent, the rent goes up every year. But if you buy a 30-year mortgage, the cost is fixed."
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zhsiG
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BuyingAHome
Call / Text any RE or Loan ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
5 Common Mistakes That Hurt Relationships + What To Do Instead
Here are 5 tips on how to take five harmful habits and replace them with five relationship enriching remedies.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zfChy
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Relationships
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Six Home-Buying Deal Breakers (and How to Troubleshoot Them)
Our experts divulge the six most common home-buying deal breakers worth double-checking before you make a bid—plus what to do if something is indeed amiss.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zcVSB
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeBuying
Call or Text ?'s to 714.713.3534
U.S. Home Prices to Rise 6 Percent Nationally in Coming Year
The five states with the highest home price appreciation were:
Hawaii (+13.2 percent), California (+13.1 percent), Nevada (+12.6 percent), Michigan (+11.8 percent) and New York (+11.0 percent).
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zcj9z
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomePrices
Call / Text For A Free Value Check @ 714.713.3534
Monday, July 14, 2014
How to Dispute Credit Report Errors
To ensure that your score is based off the most accurate information possible, you'll need to dispute errors.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/z9GAi
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Credit
Call / Text your credit questions to 714.713.3534
~We Look Forward To Earning Your Referrals
Friday, July 11, 2014
10 Habits of Unhappy People (And How to Fix Them)
As I moved forward, I discovered that what was making me miserable wasn’t outside of me, but the habits I had built up over the years.
WHAT A GREAT READ: http://ow.ly/z4fnG
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #PayItForward
We look forward to earning your referrals~
Thursday, July 10, 2014
15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy
If We Could All Just Do #5
Give up your limiting beliefs “A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind” Elly Roselle
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/z13AH
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Happy
Call / Text Your RE ?'s at 714.713.3534
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
5 Words That Can Help You Sell Your House
As the housing market’s recovery continues, there are some trends in design for this year’s high season.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yWepY
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #SellYourHouse
Call / Text Loan or RE ?'s at 714.713.3534
10 Habits Of People Who Follow Their Dreams
I like # 8: They create their own rules.
- They create their own rules instead of fitting into society’s norms. They make decisions from a place of what they want to have instead of what they think they can have. This gives them the freedom to design their destiny.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yUVuj
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Dreams
- Call or Text R.E. Questions to 714-713-3534
- They create their own rules instead of fitting into society’s norms. They make decisions from a place of what they want to have instead of what they think they can have. This gives them the freedom to design their destiny.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yUVuj
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Dreams
- Call or Text R.E. Questions to 714-713-3534
Monday, July 7, 2014
How to Make the Most of the Homebuying Season
In this high season of home selling and buying, know your priorities, be educated on the sale’s circumstances, and make yourself stand out.
Follow these tips to position yourself best this homebuying season.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yREq0
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeBuying
Call / Text your Loan or RE ?'s 714.713.3534
Friday, July 4, 2014
Start with These Camera Settings to Take Great Fireworks Photos
Here's DIY Photography's take on what to set those manual settings at:
Read More: http://ow.ly/yMX8O
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #4thOfJuly #BeSafe
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Don't spray sunscreens on kids, at least for now
We would like to reemphasize our longstanding advice that you use sprays carefully, by following these tips:
Read More: http://ow.ly/yKT0c
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Sunscreen
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
9 Common Traits Of Happy People (That They Don’t Talk About)
Love #9 - Look Within For Solutions -
One of the most powerful realizations a genuinely happy person will often operate based on is “change starts within.” The empowerment that comes as a result of not only realizing this but even more so in using it as the backbone to everything in life can be quite remarkable.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yIeeN
#EstatesInTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #ChangeStartsWithin
Call / Text Your RE or Loan ?'s to 714.713.3534
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
7 things home buyers love but sellers don't list
If you have a normal house in a normal neighborhood, there could very well be things you take for granted which a first-time or relocating buyer might be magnetically drawn to if you mention it in the listing.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yGgsr
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States
Call / Text ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Read More: http://ow.ly/yGgsr
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States
Call / Text ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Thursday, June 26, 2014
66% of consumers wrongly think "natural" means something
This should upset you!
"It is misleading, confusing, and deceptive," said Rangan. We truly don't believe there is a way to define it that will meet all of consumers' expectations."
Under Federal Labeling, the word Natural means Nothing!
Read More: http://ow.ly/yujNf
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50states #NaturallyNotDelicous
Call / Text Loan or RE Questions @ 714.713.3534
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Solar-Panel Leases Turning Off Buyers
Add's about $25000.00 in value, but do you want the previous lease as a new buyer?
Here is what you need to know... http://ow.ly/yrS92
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Solar
Call / Text Me with RE & Loan ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Keeping Your Home in Tip-Top Shape
This article talks about, water filters, carpet cleaning, shower curtains, fridge, freezer, cast-iron cookware, knifes, air conditioning, window washing and mattresses.
Read More http://ow.ly/yoTT4
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #YourHome
Monday, June 23, 2014
Best Wall Colors for Living Rooms, as Chosen by Designers
2014 Color of the Year is?
Read More: http://ow.ly/ylfgS
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Colors
Call or text any questions to 714.713.3534
Sunday, June 22, 2014
30 Things You Need To Know To Be Successful In Life
Life is short. This advice will help you make the most of it...
I like #18, we need more of this: Emotions should not guide decision-making.
A knee-jerk reaction influenced by anger or panic can destroy a lifetime of work in one moment. Wait until you are calm before making a big decision.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/yjx8z
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansInAll50States #MaximizeYourChances
Friday, June 20, 2014
Homebuyers' Guide to Choosing the Right Neighborhood
Finding the right neighborhood for you and your wallet is a personal experience. While it may not always be foolproof, it's a good idea to research the important factors for a potential home before signing on the dotted line!
Read More: http://ow.ly/yh9zy
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WontYouBeMyNeighbor
Real Estate or Loan Questions, Call / Text Me @ 714.713.3534
Thursday, June 19, 2014
10 Things That The People Who Love Their Lives Are Doing Differently
Happiness is the result of subjective interpretation of perception.
My personal fave: They do things because they want to do them, not because they believe they have to do them.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yffyb
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LoveLife
Real Estate Or Loan ?'s, Call or Text Me @714.713.3534
4 things you need before buying a home
You may feel ready to buy a home -- and you may be -- but it's a good idea to make sure you have these basics covered before you make an offer.
Without question, I think # 1 is a must....
Read More: http://ow.ly/yenSv
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BeforeYouBuy
Call / Text Any ?'s @ 714.713.3534 (We look forward to earning your referrals)
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs
This plant has done wonders for me!!!
Because of this plant, I was able to run a 150 miles in 25 days over a 30 day period.
This sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects.
Read More: http://ow.ly/ycPnH
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #CurcuminTurmeric
More homeowners becoming landlords
Low mortgage rates and soaring rents have convinced a growing number of homeowners to hang onto their former homes and become landlords instead.
Read More: http://ow.ly/ybTUr
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeOwnersBecomeLandlords
Call / text me ?'s @ 714.713.3534
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
27 Things You Won’t Regret When You’re Older
Here’s how to make the best of each and every day.
I like #17 and you?
17. Trying to make your corner of the world a better place. Improving the lives of other people, whether it be by volunteering or just complimenting the people around you on a regular basis, is extremely rewarding.
See More: http://ow.ly/y9W2r
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #NoRegrets
Monday, June 16, 2014
Why you should lock in your mortgage rate now
Now, more than ever, banks are encouraging homebuyers to lock in their mortgage rates.
Thinking of buying a home or refinancing? Keep reading to find out why a rate lock is a good idea.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/y5QAA
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #InterestRatesRising
Sunday, June 15, 2014
7 Things Parents Should Tell Their Kids Every Day
Anyone can be a Dad, it takes a special guy to be a good Father. Happy Father's Day...
Empowering Life Philosophies” for raising kids who feel resilient — kids who feel deep inside themselves that they have what it takes to bounce back from life’s assorted challenges.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/y3i3Y
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #FathersDay
Saturday, June 14, 2014
4 Steps To Stop Worrying About What Other People Think Of You
Here are four steps to help you stop worrying about what other people think, designed to help you maintain healthier and happier relationships with yourself and others.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/y1b0O
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #WhatOthersThink
Friday, June 13, 2014
13 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough
I like #11 - You are not a victim. - You need to get out of your own way. You are only a “victim” of your own thoughts, words and actions. No one “does” something to you. You are the creator of your own experience. Take personal responsibility and realize that you can get out of your hard times. You just need to start with changing your thoughts and actions. Abandon your victim mentality and become victorious. From victim to VICTOR!
Read More: http://ow.ly/xZ5IN
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #ThingsToRemember
Thursday, June 12, 2014
10 things home inspectors won’t tell you
A home inspection should be an objective analysis of the condition of a home that hopefully minimizes surprises or big repair bills for both sides down the line. In reality, it’s one of the most nerve-racking experiences in the real estate process.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xX5vo
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeInspection
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xX5vo
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeInspection
20 Things You Should Stop Apologizing For
Apologizing can be a form of social acceptance. We try to fit in so we scoot alongside others, sometimes sacrificing our beliefs, hiding our thoughts and perfecting our behavior, all in an attempt to mend the situation and fit in.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xW569
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Landlords expect rents will keep going up in Southern California
Down Payment Assistance Programs Are Available ~ Call 714.713.3534 with ?'s
78% of SoCal landlords expect to increase rents in next 12 months--a fifth by 3% or more.
Landlords in Orange County, Inland Empire expect to be most aggressive with rent increases.
Rent growth comes after several years of gains and despite surge in new construction. There's lots of demand.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xUk1g
#EstatesByTheBeach #GetTheLowDown
20 Things That Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
I like #2. Remaining In Their Comfort Zone -
The comfort zone is a dangerous place, a dark abyss where anyone who remains there for too long loses his or herself entirely. Staying within your comfort zone is giving up on life.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xTnGX
#EstatesByTheBeach #ItsAllWhatYouMakeOfIt
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
How to beat all-cash homebuyers
6 mistakes homebuyers make with lowball offers.
Here are tips for borrowers in markets that reward cash.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xRxAe
#EstatesByTheBeach #PlayTheGameToWin
30 Things To Start Doing For Yourself
I like #8. Start being more polite to yourself. – If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend? The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. You must love who you are or no one else will.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xQhvs
#EstatesByTheBeach #StartDoingIt
Monday, June 9, 2014
4 Things Homebuyers Should Never Say
Here’s a look at four messages and mindsets buyers should avoid broadcasting.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xOMvg
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomeBuyers #FundingLoansAll50States
20 Life Experiences Everyone Should Try Before They Die
My fave: #12. Instead of being angry for what you don’t have, choose to be thankful for what you do have.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xNTkT
#EstatesByTheBeach #LifeWithPurpose
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xNTkT
#EstatesByTheBeach #LifeWithPurpose
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Waiting to buy a house? It'll cost you
Experts agree: There's no better time to buy a home than now. Find out why?
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xncZA
#EstatesByTheBeach #BestTimeToBuy #FundingLoansAll50States
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xncZA
#EstatesByTheBeach #BestTimeToBuy #FundingLoansAll50States
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Seize The Day ~ 23 Ways To Get And Keep Motivated
Most people don’t realize that motivation mostly emerges from minor changes in your own behavior.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/xauYN
#EstatesByTheBeach #SeizeTheDay #FundingWholesaleLoansAll50States
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Americans see home as an investment again. Is that good?
Now that the market is recovering, and home prices are growing again—in fact home prices are at an all-time high in nearly 1,000 cities across the country—the siren song of seeing your home as an investment is becoming tempting once again.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/x5boo
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomeAsAnInvestment #FundingWholesaleLoansAll50States
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Bidding Wars: Fighting to Find a Family Home
The Do's and the Don't
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wUd2U
#EstatesByTheBeach #BiddingWars #FundingLoansAll50States
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wUd2U
#EstatesByTheBeach #BiddingWars #FundingLoansAll50States
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Three must-haves when applying for a home loan
Lenders size up your “three c’s”
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wRDd7
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Mortgage
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wRDd7
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Mortgage
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Toughest Markets for Renters Looking To Buy
4 of the top 10 are in California
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wOPek
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansInAll50States
Monday, May 12, 2014
The $100 down payment mortgage exists - but should you bite?
Don't let a big down payment keep you from buying a home. Here are four mortgage options that require as little as zero to $100 down.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wLTiA
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingAll50States #ZeroDown
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wLTiA
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingAll50States #ZeroDown
Thursday, May 8, 2014
All-Cash Deals Hit Record 43% of Total Home Sales
The demand is high, supply is low and that is precisely why more homebuyers today are relying on cash to be competitive. It is not just investors.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wEbLA
#EstatesByTheBeach #CashHomeSales
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wEbLA
#EstatesByTheBeach #CashHomeSales
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
For a successful home purchase, buyers must get comfortable with the emotional Catch-22 in many local markets.
A great read for what you should expect, based on the spring buying frenzy.
60% of all homes are bought and sold during the spring/summer season.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wBveV
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomeBuying #LowRates
60% of all homes are bought and sold during the spring/summer season.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wBveV
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomeBuying #LowRates
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
19 Hard Things You Need To Do To Be Successful
Do the hard things. You might be surprised at how amazing you really are.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wyQhP
#EstatesByTheBeach #HardThings #WhatDefinesYou
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/wyQhP
#EstatesByTheBeach #HardThings #WhatDefinesYou
Sunday, May 4, 2014
This Is One Of The Most Vital Messages Gen-Y Needs To Hear
“Look Up” is a call to arms to disconnect and the fulfillment we’ll find once we do.
To be honest, this is not just for Gen-Y, it's for all of us....
Published April 25th and almost 9 million have viewed this already.
Watch Here: http://ow.ly/wtp0z
#EstatesByTheBeach #LookUp
To be honest, this is not just for Gen-Y, it's for all of us....
Published April 25th and almost 9 million have viewed this already.
Watch Here: http://ow.ly/wtp0z
#EstatesByTheBeach #LookUp
Saturday, May 3, 2014
8 Questions to Help Resolve Your Rent or Buy Dilemma
*Only need a 580 Middle Credit Score
**Can buy with as little as 0 to 1/2% down
Eight Questions Here: http://ow.ly/wscOr
#EstatesByTheBeach #BuyVSRent #BuyNowOrPayLAter
**Can buy with as little as 0 to 1/2% down
Eight Questions Here: http://ow.ly/wscOr
#EstatesByTheBeach #BuyVSRent #BuyNowOrPayLAter
Thursday, May 1, 2014
If you were waiting for interest rates to drop, the time to lock is now~
Borrowers Continue to Take Advantage of Low Rates!
Read Why Here: http://ow.ly/wotGT
#EstatesByTheBeach #LowInterestRates #TimeToLock
Read Why Here: http://ow.ly/wotGT
#EstatesByTheBeach #LowInterestRates #TimeToLock
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Does Anyone Like Lower Interest Rates?
HERE IS WHY: http://ow.ly/wmd0K
#EstatesByTheBeach #LowMortgageRates #TimeToLock
#EstatesByTheBeach #LowMortgageRates #TimeToLock
Thursday, April 24, 2014
3 major things you need to know about the 2014 housing market
Three major things you need to know about the 2014 housing market
No. 1: 2014 should prove to be the strongest year for housing activity since before the Great Recession.
No. 2: Demographics should start to favor housing activity.
No. 3: Mortgage availability shouldn’t worsen and may improve.
Read More: http://ow.ly/w8WjL
#EstatesByTheBeach #2014HousingMarket #StrongestYear
No. 1: 2014 should prove to be the strongest year for housing activity since before the Great Recession.
No. 2: Demographics should start to favor housing activity.
No. 3: Mortgage availability shouldn’t worsen and may improve.
Read More: http://ow.ly/w8WjL
#EstatesByTheBeach #2014HousingMarket #StrongestYear
Sunday, April 6, 2014
What Does Happiness Mean To You?
6 Ways To Reach A Positive State Of Mind
Read Here: http://ow.ly/vtTq9
#EstatesByTheBeach #DoWhatMakesYouSmile #LiveLaughAppreciate
Read Here: http://ow.ly/vtTq9
#EstatesByTheBeach #DoWhatMakesYouSmile #LiveLaughAppreciate
Thursday, April 3, 2014
4 Things We Need to Give Up to be Happy
Some people pursue happiness, others create it~
Read More: http://ow.ly/voInj
#EstatesByTheBeach #Happy #JustDoIt
Read More: http://ow.ly/voInj
#EstatesByTheBeach #Happy #JustDoIt
Monday, March 31, 2014
A Simple Guide for First-Time Homebuyers
Before you join the ranks, here are some things to do.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/ve0oB
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomeBuying #RealEstate
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/ve0oB
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomeBuying #RealEstate
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Forget The Motivational Quotes: 45 Cardinal Rules You Need To Live Life By
I like 37 and you?
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/v1zl7
#EstatesByTheBeach #WordsOfWisdom #CardinalRules
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/v1zl7
#EstatesByTheBeach #WordsOfWisdom #CardinalRules
A Selfie for Your Checks?
What You Should Know about Remote Deposit Capture.
Take the following precautions, read more here: http://ow.ly/v0QmE
#EstatesByTheBeach #CheckSelfies #MobileDeposits
Take the following precautions, read more here: http://ow.ly/v0QmE
#EstatesByTheBeach #CheckSelfies #MobileDeposits
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Will Paying an Old Debt Hurt My Credit Scores?
Remember, to consider the statue of limitations when negotiating the bill.
Totally surprised by what I read...
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uX2b3
#EstatesByTheBeach #CreditScores #PayingOffOldDebt
Totally surprised by what I read...
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uX2b3
#EstatesByTheBeach #CreditScores #PayingOffOldDebt
Monday, March 24, 2014
Buyers Turn to 'Pre-Underwriting' to Compete With Cash Buyers
Sure helps prevent wasted time and money later on.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uU7hw
#EstatesByTheBeach #MortgageTip #PreUnderwriting
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uU7hw
#EstatesByTheBeach #MortgageTip #PreUnderwriting
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Hackers Are Now Targeting Your Router
Easy fix, worth the read...
#EstatesByTheBeach #ComputerSecurity #BeSafe
#EstatesByTheBeach #ComputerSecurity #BeSafe
Saturday, March 22, 2014
What Is a Good Faith Estimate?
What are the terms of the loan and what can and cannot change?
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uR6Sn
#EstatesByTheBeach #GoodFaithEstimate #GFE
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uR6Sn
#EstatesByTheBeach #GoodFaithEstimate #GFE
Friday, March 21, 2014
Surging Home Prices Are A Double Edged Sword
Affordability troubles grow, especially for first-time buyers.
With rates reasonably low and the spring time multiple offer buying frenzy about to happen...now is the time.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uQdwS
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomePrices #Affordability
With rates reasonably low and the spring time multiple offer buying frenzy about to happen...now is the time.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uQdwS
#EstatesByTheBeach #HomePrices #Affordability
Thursday, March 20, 2014
In Observance of "International Day Of Happiness"
These Spices Make You Slimmer, Smarter, Happier
Raid your spice rack and start using these. Science finds mixing them into meals adds a health boost.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uNtWn
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #Mortgage #SpiceThingsUp #SlimmerSmarterHappier
Raid your spice rack and start using these. Science finds mixing them into meals adds a health boost.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uNtWn
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #Mortgage #SpiceThingsUp #SlimmerSmarterHappier
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Five Things You Should Always Do Before You Buy a Home
1) Understand what you can afford
2) Get pre-approved
3) Do your research
4) Find a real estate agent
5) Get the home inspected
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uJmaE
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2) Get pre-approved
3) Do your research
4) Find a real estate agent
5) Get the home inspected
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Three Keys to Being Happy, No Matter What Happens
1) Gratitude
2) Self-Compassion
3) Passion
“Look at what you’ve got and make the best of it. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” ~Proverb.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uIx0U
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2) Self-Compassion
3) Passion
“Look at what you’ve got and make the best of it. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” ~Proverb.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uIx0U
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Monday, March 17, 2014
How to get the best deal buying a new house
Housing affordability expected to continue its decline in 2014. Home buyers, prepare for sticker shock.
Read More: http://ow.ly/uF9Ti
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Read More: http://ow.ly/uF9Ti
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Sunday, March 16, 2014
The “If, Then Trap” and How to Avoid It to Be Happier
“Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.” ~Chuang Tzu
Watch out for the stories that we tell ourselves.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uDEpb
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Watch out for the stories that we tell ourselves.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uDEpb
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014
11 Simple Things Anyone Can Do To Live A Healthier Life
Some of these habits are so easy to implement in order to lead a happier and healthier life.
Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uvIAb
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Read More Here: http://ow.ly/uvIAb
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Ten Truths That Will Help You Through Any Challenge
1. Life is not always how you plan it, no matter how much you force or try to control it.
2. Change is inevitable, so you might as well welcome and embrace it.
Read More: http://ow.ly/ut5gP
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2. Change is inevitable, so you might as well welcome and embrace it.
Read More: http://ow.ly/ut5gP
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Monday, March 10, 2014
Seven Ways Home-buyers Can Gain An Edge This Spring
In a competitive market, home buying can be a contact sport. Here’s your game plan.
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Ten Painfully Obvious Truths Everyone Forgets Too Soon
You know how you can hear something a hundred times in a hundred different ways before it finally gets through to you? The ten truths listed below fall firmly into that category – life lessons that many of us likely learned years ago, and have been reminded of ever since, but for whatever reason, haven’t fully grasped.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
8 Ways to Improve Your Communication Right Now
Everyone wants to communicate clearly, but little things can create big problems. Try these 8 tips today and you'll see immediate improvement.
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#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #Communication #KindOfImportant #CommunicateClearly
Friday, March 7, 2014
2013-14 Cost vs. Value: Remodeling Pays Off Big Time
Home improvement projects across the board are giving home owners a greater return on their investment when it comes time to sell. Find out which projects “open the door” to buyers and where remodeling dollars stretch the furthest.
As existing-home sales and home prices make remarkable strides upward nationwide, remodeling projects are also continuing to make a comeback in a big way.
This is the second year in a row that all 35 projects inRemodelingmagazine’s Cost vs. Value Report saw more home improvement dollars recouped upon resale of a home than the previous year.
Existing-home sales reached 5.02 million in 2013, a 9.1 percent increase from 2012, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. Home prices also rose in 2013: Existing homes commanded a median price of $197,100, up 11.5 percent from the 2012 median price of $176,800. This is the largest price gain since 2005.
Also for 2013, the cost-value ratio of remodeling projects nationwide averaged 66.1 percent, up 5.5 points over the previous year — which is, like median price, the largest increase since 2005.
Remodels That Payoff
The fan favorite in the 16th annual Cost vs. Value Report, which was released this month, was again the steel door entryway. Topping the list last year as well, this project is ideal for clients considering a quick update to the curb appeal of a home. The survey shows that a new steel door, with an average cost of $1,162, will recoup 96.6 percent of the remodeling cost at resale.
Making the biggest gain in percentage of recouped costs was the addition of a backup power generator. This project, averaging $11,742, jumped 28 percent in estimated resale value, recouping 67.5 percent of its cost in 2013. Usually at the bottom of the list, this project now ranks 25th out of the 35 projects. The increase is attributed in the report to 2013’s “unpredictable weather and multiple large storms.”
Regional Trends
The report also shows where remodeling dollars go the furthest.
Topping the list for remodeling costs recouped upon resale were Honolulu and San Francisco, at 110.8 percent and 109.4 percent, respectively. San Jose, Calif., came in third, with just shy of 100 percent of remodeling costs recouped on average. San Diego came in fourth, with 89.8 percent of costs recouped at resale; and fifth was Bridgeport, Conn., bringing in 85.9 percent of remodel costs at resale.
Also signifying distinct improvements over last year, seven of the country’s nine regions outperformed the nationwide cost-value average of 66.1 percent.
Holding onto their positions as the top two regions for recouping remodeling costs were the Pacific (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington), with an 88 percent cost-value ratio, and West South Central (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas), with a 76.4 percent cost-value ratio.
The award for most improved region could go to New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont), which moved from sixth to third this year with an overall cost-value ratio of 74.6 percent.
The two regions that held lower cost-value ratios than the national average were the Middle Atlantic (New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) and West North Central (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota), with cost-value ratios of 63.2 percent and 57.3 percent, respectively.
Top Projects
If your clients are considering a home improvement project to boost the quality and appeal of their home, pass on this list of top 10 midrange and upscale projects from the 2013-14 Cost vs. Value Report:
Top 10 Midrange Projects
1. Entry Door Replacement (steel)
Job Cost: $1,162 Resale Value: $1,122 Cost Recouped: 96.6%
2. Deck Addition (wood)
Job Cost: $9,539 Resale Value: $8,334 Cost Recouped: 87.4%
3. Attic Bedroom
Job Cost: $49,438 Resale Value: $41,656 Cost Recouped: 84.3%
4. Garage Door Replacement
Job Cost: $1,534 Resale Value: $1,283 Cost Recouped: 83.7%
5. Minor Kitchen Remodel
Job Cost: $18,856 Resale Value: $15,585 Cost Recouped: 82.7%
6. Window Replacement (wood)
Job Cost: $10,926 Resale Value: $8,662 Cost Recouped: 79.3%
7. Window Replacement (vinyl)
Job Cost: $9,978 Resale Value: $7,857 Cost Recouped: 78.7%
8. Siding Replacement (vinyl)
Job Cost: $11,475 Resale Value: $8,975 Cost Recouped: 78.2%
9. Basement Remodel
Job Cost: $62,834 Resale Value: $48,777 Cost Recouped: 77.6%
10. Deck Addition (composite)
Job Cost: $15,437 Resale Value: $11,476 Cost Recouped: 74.3% | Top 10 Upscale Projects
1. Siding Replacement (fiber-cement)
Job Cost: $13,378 Resale Value: $11,645 Cost Recouped: 87.0%
2. Garage Door Replacement
Job Cost: $2,791 Resale Value: $2,315 Cost Recouped: 82.9%
3. Siding Replacement (foam-backed vinyl)
Job Cost: $14,236 Resale Value: $11,124 Cost Recouped: 78.1%
4. Window Replacement (vinyl)
Job Cost: $13,385 Resale Value: $10,252 Cost Recouped: 76.6%
5. Window Replacement (wood)
Job Cost: $16,798 Resale Value: $12,438 Cost Recouped: 74.0%
6. Grand Entrance (fiberglass)
Job Cost: $7,305 Resale Value: $5,163 Cost Recouped: 70.7%
7. Deck Addition (composite)
Job Cost: $35,158 Resale Value: $22,881 Cost Recouped: 65.1%
8. (tie) Bathroom Remodel
Job Cost: $51,374 Resale Value: $32,660 Cost Recouped: 63.6%
(tie) Major Kitchen Remodel
Job Cost: $109,935 Resale Value: $69,973 Cost Recouped: 63.6%
9. Roofing Replacement
Job Cost: $34,495 Resale Value: $21,731 Cost Recouped: 63.0%
10. Bathroom Addition
Job Cost: $72,538 Resale Value: $43,936 Cost Recouped: 60.6% |
The data used in the Cost vs. Value Report was collected with the help of REALTOR® Magazine in an online survey between August and October 2013. More than 4,500 NAR members participated from 101 U.S. cities, up from 81 cities included in last year’s survey.
Visit www.costvsvalue.com to find information from the 101 cities included in the survey and download free PDFs that include specific metro-area market data. (Site registration is required.) Also visitHouseLogic.com for a slide show of the report’s results.
Construction cost estimates were generated by RemodelMAX. Cost vs. Value is a registered trademark of Hanley Wood, LLC.
13.1 Million Americans Hit By Identity Theft in 2013
Identity theft is on the rise again. However, the dollar amount of loss has reduced. 1 out of 3 consumers that are notified of a security breach actually experienced fraud.
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#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #IdentityTheft #Fraud #SecurityBreaches
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Ten Invaluable Lessons That Could Change Your Life
1. Being happy is not about what we achieve. 2. We are all doing our best. 3. We have to know and respect our deal breakers. 4. Other people’s actions aren’t about us. 5. We need to trust our intuition. 6. All the studying in the world will never be enough. 7. Face the scary stuff. 8. Accept that life and people are inconsistent. 9. We can be our own best friends. 10. We are enough.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014
ARM vs. Fixed-Rate Mortgages: What's Right for You?
The Difference, Hybrid Mortgages, Which Mortgage to Choose, Should You Refinance?
To be honest, it all depends upon your short and long-term goals. We are her to answer any questions, thanks for all of the continued support~
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To be honest, it all depends upon your short and long-term goals. We are her to answer any questions, thanks for all of the continued support~
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Report: Buying Is 38 Percent Cheaper Than Renting
The rent-versus-buy math is different in each local market, but buying beats renting until mortgage rates hit 10.6 percent (Per Trulia)
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Monday, March 3, 2014
Smart Alternatives To Putting 20 Percent Down
#1 - FHA Loan #2 - Down Payment Assistance through City and Federal Programs #3 - Get a Veteran Affairs (VA) Loan #4 - Get a USDA Loan (Consider these Tips for a Down Payment: Bank of Mom and Dad, ROTH IRA, 401k, Sub_Savings Acct)
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#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #DownPayment #LowDownPayment #AlternativeFinancing
Friday, February 28, 2014
Don't Return Calls From These Area Codes -- it's a scam!
Beware calls coming in from area codes 809, 284, 649 and 876, which like 473 are international, and are known to have been used for similar scams. If you have voice mail – as pretty much everyone does today – there is usually no reason to call back missed calls from numbers that you do not recognize, regardless of the area code from which they originated. If a caller has something important to say, he or she can leave a message identifying himself or herself (or send you a text message). Don’t let curiosity get the best of you.
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#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #PhoneScams #DoNotCallBack
Five Ticking Time Bombs Every Homeowner Should Know About
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Rises in Housing Inventories Offer Some Relief to Buyers
The median list price nationwide moved up in January, rising 8.3 percent compared to year ago levels, according to the realtor.com® report. The markets posting some of the largest year-over-year increases in median list prices – of 20 percent or more – include California, Detroit, and Nevada.
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Monday, February 24, 2014
Down Payment Assistance Is Still Available
Buy a home with as little as a 1/2% down, seller pays closing cost. Many down payment assistance programs are available to home-buyers who have some cash of their own and will use the money as a supplement. We look forward to earning your referrals!
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Saturday, February 22, 2014
Study: Buyers, Sellers Will Jump Off the Fence This Year
“Normalcy is returning to residential real estate,” says Lee. “People are seeking homes for all the right reasons: to gain shelter and security, raise a family, and generate long-term wealth.”
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #Buyers #Sellers #Appreciation
Friday, February 14, 2014
Impact of an Extra Payment on a Mortgage
1) How Mortgage Payments Work 2) Double the Principal 3) Annual Payments 4) One-Time Payments 5) Before You Write the Check
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #Mortgage #PlayTheRulesToYourAdvantage
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #SchoolRatings #CrimeMapping #Mortgage #PlayTheRulesToYourAdvantage
Thursday, February 13, 2014
The Worst Things You Can Do Before Buying A Home
1. Go Credit-Crazy 2. Shuffle Dollars & Cents 3. Get Behind on Bills 4. Co-Sign on a Loan 5. Changes in Employment
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#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #Credit #BadThings
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The Pros Of Home-Ownership Are Tax Write-Offs
Mortgage Interest, Points, Taxes, When You Sell, Unforeseen Circumstances, Foreclosure Tax Troubles, What's Not Tax Deductible
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #MortgageDeductions #HomeOwnerTaxWriteoff
Monday, February 10, 2014
Need Less, Have More: Life Expands When We Eliminate the Excess
Need Less, Have More: Life Expands When We Eliminate the Excess
We’re constantly waiting for our lives to be complete with more and striving for a day that will never come.
“Knowledge is learning something new every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day” ~Zen Saying
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #LessIsMore #NeedLessHaveMore
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Mortgage Rates Hit Three-Month Low
The average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 4.47% last week, down from 4.52% the week before, the Mortgage Bankers Association said Wednesday.
Thanks For All Of The Referrals, We Appreciate The Continued Support. : ))
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Monday, January 27, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
The 5 Most Confusing Things On Your Credit Report
1. Boxes and More Boxes 2. All Those Inquiries 3. All Those Student Loans
4. Collection Account Confusion 5. Where’s My Score
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #InteractiveMapSearch #Credit #CreditReport
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The Best Home Loan For Your Credit Score
Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, Portfolio, FHA, VA, USDA, Sub-prime, Hard-Money
Mortgage Loans are available down to a 550 Score on a Portfolio Loan. (No Seasoning Required on Bankruptcy or Foreclosure) FHA down to a 580 and Hard-Money sometimes have no score requirement.
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #Mortgage #FundingAll50States
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
21 Habits of Happy People
Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed. We've all seen people who are always happy – even a midst agonizing life trials. I'm not saying happy people don't feel grief, sorrow or sadness; they just don't let it overtake their life.
The following are 21 things happy people make a habit of doing; read more at: http://ow.ly/soOyu
#HappyPeople #21Things #EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert
Monday, January 6, 2014
Why 2014 Should Be A Good Year For Housing
1) Look for Fannie and Freddie's new regulator to push for looser underwriting, down payment requirements
2) The New Regulations do not seem to have as much impact as the media portrayed.
#EstatesByTheBeach #EstatesByTheVineyards #EstatesInTheMountains #EstatesInTheInland #EstatesInTheDesert #MortgageRuleChanges #RealEstateNews
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Convince Your Bank That You're Mortgage-Worthy
People with low FICO scores do get home mortgages, even today.
Here's how they do it. http://ow.ly/shSpz
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