Residential and Commercial / Nationwide Service...Appreciate the 25+ Years of Referrals...Good People - Doing Good Things - One Property At A Time...Domains: Estates By The Beach / Vineyards...Estates In The Mountains / Inland / Desert (New website coming one day soon) “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined.” Andrew Carnegie
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Five Attitudes That ACTUALLY Change Your Life
My life changed when I took myself out of my head and into my life. I’m the happiest, healthiest and most authentic I’ve ever been. Here’s how I got there:
I like #1: Practice small actions, every day. If you want big results, you need to stop discounting small action. Small action triggers big change.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zNPfd
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Attitude
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Do little fixes boost home sales?
To make more money, homeowners have to spend money.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zMdYq
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeImprovements
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Nine Reasons to Love Your Mortgage
As usual, a majority of buyers took out a mortgage.
The hefty loan involved fundamentally alters the finances of these families -- and opens up some intriguing opportunities.
READ MORE:http://ow.ly/zJnof
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #MortgageLoans
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Health Facts on Honey and Cinnamon
Scientists of today also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases.
Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zIkNy
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HealthFacts
Monday, July 28, 2014
Hey, Procrastinator. You Lost $11,500 by Not Refinancing
About one in five people who could have benefited by refinancing their mortgage after the financial crisis didn’t do it.
The median amount of money they lost by sticking with their old mortgage was $11,500.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zGzRB
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #MortgageRates
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21 Health Tricks To Teach Your Body
Whether it’s curing a throat tickle, resolving your headache in minutes or experiencing supersonic hearing, these 21 tricks are proven methods of fooling your body to achieve a desired result, whether that’s relieving pain or just having fun.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zFRam
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HealthTricks
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
7 signs of a soon-to-be-hot neighborhood
Here are the top telltale signs of a soon-to-be hot market.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zwpqr
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HyperlocalNeighborhood
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014
How to Rise Above Difficult Circumstances and Be Happy
I like "Choose to Choose"
We can choose to succumb or make the best of what happens.
It may sometimes feel easier to be a victim, but it’s certainly not a role that leads to a fulfilling, satisfying, and meaningful life.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zsKR3
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RiseAbove
Monday, July 21, 2014
7 Life Lessons Happy People Have Already Figured Out
The thing all happy people have in common is the ability to look at life situations as growing opportunities.
If you want to be happier, you can learn these seven life lessons extraordinarily happy people already figured out.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zqBI3
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BeHappy
5 reasons to buy a house in the next 5 months
Numerous factors make homebuying advantageous for the rest of this year.
"The good news is there's still plenty of runway if you want to buy a house this year."
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zpEOd
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Homebuying
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Saturday, July 19, 2014
8 Reasons Not To Sell Your Home Without An Agent
Here are eight reasons why you should think again.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zlyyM
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #RealEstate
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Friday, July 18, 2014
27 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Eckhart Tolle
I like # 21. Seeking is the antithesis of happiness.
“Don’t Seek Happiness. If you seek it, you won’t find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness.”
“Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not.”
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zkci0
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #LifeChangingLessons
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Paulson: Buying a house still best investment
"And you've locked in the cost over the next 30 years. And today the cost of owning is somewhat less than the cost of renting. And if you rent, the rent goes up every year. But if you buy a 30-year mortgage, the cost is fixed."
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zhsiG
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #BuyingAHome
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014
5 Common Mistakes That Hurt Relationships + What To Do Instead
Here are 5 tips on how to take five harmful habits and replace them with five relationship enriching remedies.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zfChy
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Relationships
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Six Home-Buying Deal Breakers (and How to Troubleshoot Them)
Our experts divulge the six most common home-buying deal breakers worth double-checking before you make a bid—plus what to do if something is indeed amiss.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zcVSB
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeBuying
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U.S. Home Prices to Rise 6 Percent Nationally in Coming Year
The five states with the highest home price appreciation were:
Hawaii (+13.2 percent), California (+13.1 percent), Nevada (+12.6 percent), Michigan (+11.8 percent) and New York (+11.0 percent).
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/zcj9z
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomePrices
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Monday, July 14, 2014
How to Dispute Credit Report Errors
To ensure that your score is based off the most accurate information possible, you'll need to dispute errors.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/z9GAi
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Credit
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Friday, July 11, 2014
10 Habits of Unhappy People (And How to Fix Them)
As I moved forward, I discovered that what was making me miserable wasn’t outside of me, but the habits I had built up over the years.
WHAT A GREAT READ: http://ow.ly/z4fnG
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #PayItForward
We look forward to earning your referrals~
Thursday, July 10, 2014
15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy
If We Could All Just Do #5
Give up your limiting beliefs “A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind” Elly Roselle
READ MORE: http://ow.ly/z13AH
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Happy
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Tuesday, July 8, 2014
5 Words That Can Help You Sell Your House
As the housing market’s recovery continues, there are some trends in design for this year’s high season.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yWepY
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #SellYourHouse
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10 Habits Of People Who Follow Their Dreams
I like # 8: They create their own rules.
- They create their own rules instead of fitting into society’s norms. They make decisions from a place of what they want to have instead of what they think they can have. This gives them the freedom to design their destiny.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yUVuj
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- Call or Text R.E. Questions to 714-713-3534
- They create their own rules instead of fitting into society’s norms. They make decisions from a place of what they want to have instead of what they think they can have. This gives them the freedom to design their destiny.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yUVuj
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Dreams
- Call or Text R.E. Questions to 714-713-3534
Monday, July 7, 2014
How to Make the Most of the Homebuying Season
In this high season of home selling and buying, know your priorities, be educated on the sale’s circumstances, and make yourself stand out.
Follow these tips to position yourself best this homebuying season.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yREq0
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #HomeBuying
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Friday, July 4, 2014
Start with These Camera Settings to Take Great Fireworks Photos
Here's DIY Photography's take on what to set those manual settings at:
Read More: http://ow.ly/yMX8O
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #4thOfJuly #BeSafe
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Don't spray sunscreens on kids, at least for now
We would like to reemphasize our longstanding advice that you use sprays carefully, by following these tips:
Read More: http://ow.ly/yKT0c
#EstatesByTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #Sunscreen
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
9 Common Traits Of Happy People (That They Don’t Talk About)
Love #9 - Look Within For Solutions -
One of the most powerful realizations a genuinely happy person will often operate based on is “change starts within.” The empowerment that comes as a result of not only realizing this but even more so in using it as the backbone to everything in life can be quite remarkable.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yIeeN
#EstatesInTheBeach #FundingLoansAll50States #ChangeStartsWithin
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Tuesday, July 1, 2014
7 things home buyers love but sellers don't list
If you have a normal house in a normal neighborhood, there could very well be things you take for granted which a first-time or relocating buyer might be magnetically drawn to if you mention it in the listing.
Read More: http://ow.ly/yGgsr
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Read More: http://ow.ly/yGgsr
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