Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Mortgage brokers provide lower rates and increase consumer home-buying power

What borrowers really want is to get as much house as they can within their budget — and a mortgage broker can make their money go farther. 


#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 

#Mortgage #TipTuesday

Monday, April 29, 2019

‘Mystery surcharge’ and gas taxes boost California gasoline prices by about $1.26 per gallon

Where's the money going? 

That mystery surcharge adds up to $11 million a day, or $4 billion a year. 

#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 

#TipsAndAdvice #MindfulMonday

Sunday, April 28, 2019

LA Endures Nation's Dirtiest Air As Problem Worsens, Study Finds

The American Lung Association has released its annual “State of the Air” report. 

#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 

#Lifestyle #SpotlightSunday

Friday, April 26, 2019

Science Says Happier People Have These 9 Things in Common

Researchers think that roughly 40% of our happiness is under our own control; the rest is determined by genetics and external factors.  

#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 

#JustAThought #FridayFun

Monday, April 22, 2019

Yes, You Need to Recycle Your Old Batteries

Follow this handy guide to do right by the environment—and the law. 

#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 

#Lifestyle #MindfulMonday #HappyEarthDay

Friday, April 12, 2019

Scientists Show How Gratitude Literally Alters The Human Heart & Molecular Structure Of The Brain

This validates the idea that if we can change our inner world through gratitude, empathy, compassion, and meditation, we can make our outer world more peaceful. 

#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 
#JustAThought #FridayFun

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The First Week of April is the Best Time to List a Home For Sale -

Sellers are able to take advantage of a sweet spot in the season that offers high buyer demand, less competition, quick home sales, and strong prices. 

#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans #TipsAndAdvice #TuesdayTips

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Mind * Heart * Soul

Care to comment, got a real estate or mortgage question?  

#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 
#GoodPeople #DoingGoodThings #OneHouseAtATime

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Please, for the Love of God, Close the Toilet Lid When You Flush

Let me paint a little picture for you of what happens every time you leave the seat up after going to the bathroom: With one little flick of the lever, the swirling water..  


#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans 
#HealthyHomeTips #MindfulMonday