Residential and Commercial / Nationwide Service...Appreciate the 25+ Years of Referrals...Good People - Doing Good Things - One Property At A Time...Domains: Estates By The Beach / Vineyards...Estates In The Mountains / Inland / Desert (New website coming one day soon) “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined.” Andrew Carnegie
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Freddie Mac: Mortgages Hit Another All-Time Low
Analyst: Housing Market Can’t Sustain ‘Frenzied Demand’
#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans #GoodPeople #DoingGoodThings #OneHouseAtATime
Friday, September 11, 2020
Should You Refinance While Interest Rates Are Low?
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Newport Beach Restaurants Will Not Face Fines Further Enforcing Masks And Distancing
Restaurants in Orange County were given the go ahead to resume some limited indoor operations on Tuesday after the county was moved to the second tier on the state’s coronavirus reopening plans.
Historic Low Rates - Zero Down Loans
#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans #GoodPeople #DoingGoodThings #OneHouseAtATime
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
U.S. Mortgage Rates Hover Near Historic Lows
Low mortgage rates help propel U.S. home sales and the refinance market.
#EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans #GoodPeople #DoingGoodThings #OneHouseAtATime
Friday, September 4, 2020
What's Open This Weekend and Labor Day
With Labor Day nearing and Gov. Gavin Newsom easing pandemic restrictions in some counties, Californians face a dizzying mix of openings and closures in coming days. https://bit.ly/3bqC434 50 Year Low Rates - #EstatesByTheBeach #NationwideHomeLoans #GoodPeople #DoingGoodThings #OneHouseAtATime